We think about 4 in 5 businesses mean well with Personal Data but their expertise is not in it. The result is frequently internal confusion, misunderstandings with users, and even accidental fines.

Privdash is here for them and their users. We verify and streamline your handling of personal data; we write user-friendly Privacy Notices; we issue a certificate your users can verify. We keep it simple, pragmatic, and friendly, but following best-practices from the ICO, EU’s EDPB or ISO 27701:2019.

This is by humans and for humans. Users trust, return, and recommend. It’s a personal quest for us.

Easy, ethical privacy for people.
Not just meaningless compliance.

Users, report a website or app.
Even if not our customer, we may help.

Organisations, run a quick self-test.
A human will also review your privacy notices.

Simple Compliance

□ Beyond demonstrable compliance
□ Easy, streamlined Data Protection
□ Improve your cybersecurity

Verifiable Ethics

□ Get a certificate your users can verify
□ User-friendly privacy notices
□ We handle communication with users.

Meaningful Privacy

□ Privacy for humans by humans
□ Systems with Privacy-by-Design
□ Respect for Personal Data

How much does it cost?

It typically depends on the number of the data flows in your systems.
A data flow can be a registration on your website, an app taking input from users, or an online store offering a service.

It can cost as little as £500/year for a whole website or app.

Check what we do, run your self-assessment, or leave us a message.

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